This website collects the best findings from a long journey in search of graphic references over the past 15 years. We are two graphic designers with a very special passion for typography, which hasn't abandoned us even when we tried to distance ourselves – yes, it seems like an addiction, and we really tried to quit.

Besides the graphic references we share here, we ended up acquiring a lot of books and a modest knowledge about typography on this journey. Now we know that what we absolutely, positively like, is simply looking at the letters and realizing how they are used in graphic pieces. It's certainly interesting to know the history, the people behind the letters, and the intricacies of different digital versions. But we prefer to leave that part to the experts, as there are excellent sources of information out there. Here we will simply share views ︎︎. And every now and then maybe some other unexpected reference: some albums are as amazing as their covers, so... There goes an audio!

And so we go, in a deliberately semi-chaotic navigation, where the thumbnails presented on each page are randomized. If you're looking for a minimum of organization, you can find it in the "categories" section.

Please feel free to contact us for any reason or for no reason at all: heyfontalist︎gmail.com


A hub of visual inspiration,
exotic beautiful interesting curious delightful amusing intriguing
uses of typography.


© 2023 Fontalist. All rights reserved.